Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Iowa Medicaid has a good chance to be investigated

I receive a U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services research magazine bi monthly from the head office of all the Depts of Health and human services in all states.The states( Iowa is one of them ) who target certain Iowa Medicaid clients and make it where the client has a delay or a refusal of a medicine to save the state medicaid money. If it is investigated as the magazine speculates, Iowa could get sued by alot of clients in a class action law suit for discrimination of the disabled.It is possible the Iowa Supreme court could get involved.This practice does not save money in the long run and can cause medical problems detrimental to a persons life & family. How many families are silently watching Iowa Medicaid for big mistakes and keeping tabs on other mistakes by Medicaid & the state of Iowa ? I would guess plenty after the article in the Des Moines Register about how much power should the Dept of Human Services have over a client and the clients health care & family was conviently not informed of anything and then had to scramble to fix some big boo boos( mistakes).
The sky just may figure out a way to fall on everyone who made the big mistakes !!!!!!!!!
FOR THE RECORD : I have no record- no misdemeaners, no felonies ,no illegal drug history as I was doing something else ,and no time served any where . Medicaid does not remember this very well,medicaid played a big part in why my health is worse and whine before paying for it. Sore losers is what they act like and thats before my lawyer is going to get involved.

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